June 14th –17th, 2023.
Study visit under DigiVET project took place on June 14th –17th, 2023. The event was hosted by the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. The main goal was to demonstrate the capacity of the partner in supporting teachers preparing training materials for electrical and electronic students from vocational schools. Teachers from OAMTAL, Tallinna Polu Technikum and Zespol Szkol Technicznych together with representatives of EDI and EFTA participated in the activity.
During this four day meeting (two essential days and two mixed with travel) participants visited labs of the Silesian University of Technology and participated in some cultural activities. The laboratories visited at SUT were located in two faculties – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Technological Engineering. The first Faculty presented several labs related to teaching of electrical engineering. The most important were: lab of robotics, lab of PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), lab of mechatronics, lab of superconductivity and lab for power electronics. Part of visit in these laboratories was supplemented by demonstration of selected exercises.
At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering teachers visited labs devoted to automation of industrial processes. The most important part of the visit and demonstration was a lab of different types of sensors (including electrical type sensors) devoted for detection of different signals in industrial processes. As a part of cultural activity, but linked with technical aspects of education, was the visit to Queen Louisa Adit in Zabrze. It is a part of a former coal mine with one of the longest water underground channels in Europe having about 14 km of length (and about 2,5 km is adapted for tourist visits).
As a part of the study visit also an administrative meeting took place. It was devoted to discussion about current project progress, details of approaching project activities and general project timeline. The final part of the meeting was the certification ceremony for participants.