
Tallinn Polytechnic School

  • Aleksei Lukašin aleksei.lukasin@tptlive.ee

    Ege Meister ege.meister@tptlive.ee


Tallinn Polytechnic School is one of the oldest vocational schools in Estonia, established in 1915. Now we have about 1500 students, both in daily studies and correspondent course and about 120 staff members. We have three big departments: Energetics and automatics department (electrician, automatics); Info technology department (IT specialists, software developer, weak-current specialists, and electronics) and Media department (printing technology, multimedia, visual media and photographers).

We teach students on daily bases, it means 5 days a week and on correspondent course, it means they come to school once a month for a week or 2-3 days every week.

Many of our staff is involved in curricula development process for whole Estonia. The school has long traditions in participating international projects, starting from 1994 (Leonardo da Vinci, NordPlus, and Comenius). Every year the best students participate in professional competitions (Taitaja in Finland, Euroskills and Worldskills) and they have the highest prizes.

Also our students have participated in an international essay competition organized by Council of Europe and our students visited the Council to participate the Youth plenary session in 2019.

We have sent the students for practical training and teachers to job shadowing to Finland, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, England, Portugal, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, and Denmark.  In addition, we have received students for their apprentice period from same countries.

During last years we have also been a partner in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Co-operation project “Transfer of Estonian Best Practices to Support the Competitiveness of Georgian VET Sector”.  Almost every year the school has applied itself several projects or has been a partner in different projects.

Tallinn Polytechnic School is participating in the mobility projects since 1994, sending to the practical training students and to experience exchange vocational education specialists. In implementation of mobilities Polytechnic School has cooperated with Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Sweden etc. School has a long experience also as a host organization, providing practical training and experience exchange to the students and school staff from European partners. In addition, we have hosted different delegations all over the world.

Tallinn Polytechnic School has a long-term experience also in coordination and partnership of other international and local level projects. We have been involved in the projects of several sub-programs of EU Lifelong Learning Programme – Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci Innovation, and EU Lifelong Learning Programme. In these different projects together with the partners, our school has helped to work out new teaching methods and – materials, getting expertise from our staff and teachers who are involved in the workgroups developing and creating new curricula. Main priority in the school development programme are inclusive, digital, ecological and active learning topics on all teaching levels in the school.

Project manager Ms Ege Meister has been working with international projects since 1996, as both a coordinating organization and the partner in strategic projects and mobility projects, sending students/staff to the mobilitites and hosting partner organizations during their mobilities.